Kosova-o - Part 58

posted by julia on 2007/08/09 09:53

[ Kosova-o ]

If you happen to be in Kosovo this week, do not miss the Dokufest, the international documentary and short film festival in Prizren, which was opened on Monday. The selection for the week-end should be particularly good. Here is a pdf-version of the programme.

The Dokufest team also launched a petition campaign for a new cinema to be built after the destruction of the old cinema Lumëbardhi (close to the river, in front of the Shadervan and the old mosque). The destruction of the old cinema was decided in June 2007 by the Municipal Assembly of Prizren. Dokufest argues that the new cinema should be build on the same location.


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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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